Pro Harp (MS) (562/20)
A striking black color harmonica. Covers and plastic body have black
satin finish.
Diatonic Single Reed Models
These models include some of the most popular harmonicas and are used
in Blues, Folk, Country, and Rock. All feature reeds which are tuned
to produce the natural notes of the scale without any additional sharps
and flats. Each hole has a blow reed and a draw reed, each tuned to
a different note on the scale. Most are ten hole instruments with
the four middle holes comprising a complete eight note octave, and
the holes on either side extending the scale and permitting chord
playing. These models are capable of producing the expressive effects
of bending and overblowing.
Plastic Body Harmonicas
The material used for the body or comb of the harmonica will produce
its own tonal characteristics and unique qualities. A plastic body
is characterized by a warm, even sound while being smoother on the
lips. In addition, a plastic body is not subject to the swelling that
often occurs with wood bodies.